Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lots of learning today

I played with the hose today, since Pistol has been doing so well with the flyspray.  He was a little more skeptical, because he really is scared of the hose, but... I was able to convince him that everything would be ok.  We did lots of approach and retreat, and treats every time he stood still for the hose to come closer.  Pretty soon he was licking and chewing and blew a big sigh, so we stopped.  I managed to win even more trust from him, because a GIANT horsefly was buzzing around him, and I was trying to kill it so it would leave him alone.  It only took a couple times for Pistol to realize what I was doing, and once it landed on him, he stood perfectly still so I could whack it with my carrot stick.  And once I had killed it, he actually turned his head and nuzzled me!  It was so sweet, I just stopped and scratched him.  I showed my sister how I load him into the trailer, because she knows a bit about PNH, and is kinda sorta interested in it from when she volunteered at the stable I work at.  He did pretty well, we spent about 10 minutes of him standing in there eating without coming back out, which I REALLY like.  All in all, it was a good day!

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